
React lifecycle


Based off the diagram, what happens first, the ‘render’ or the componentDidMount ? Based off the diagram the ‘render’ happens before the ‘componentDidMount’.

What is the very first thing to happen in the lifecycle of React ? Render phase

Put the following things in the order that they happen: componentDidMount, render, constructor, componentWillUnmount, React Updates :-

  • Constructor.
  • Render.
  • React Updates.
  • ComponentDidMount.
  • ComponentWillUnmount.

What does componentDidMount do ? This method is invoked immediately after a component is mounted. If you need to load anything using a network request or initialize the DOM, it should go here. This method is a good place to set up any subscriptions.

What types of things can you pass in the props ? Props are pass into the component.

What is the big difference between props and state ?

  • Props pass into a component.

  • Props is handled outside of that component.

  • Props is update it outside the component.

  • State is handled inside of that component.

  • State is update it inside the component.

When do we re-render our application ? Based on something the user has done.
What are some examples of things that we could store in state ? Based on user input :

  • Input Elements. first

  • Check Box. second

  • Select Box. third